Demolition for new development |

2022-08-27 02:24:49 By : Mr. junfeng feng

On Wednesday, Aug. 24, an excavator’s bucket descended on the former Shear Designs building on the corner of Fourth Street and Agate Avenue, making room for a planned mixed-use residential and commercial space planned by developer Royal Oak.

The development will include nine two-bedroom luxury units, a three-bedroom townhome, and a walkable mall with boutique shops and restaurants. Rocky Mountain Roastery is also expected to move into the retail space.

Shear Designs isn’t the only building that has been demolished on this lot, which stretches from Fourth Street to High Country Appliances. In July, the row of apartment buildings behind Shear Designs was demolished, along with the Spirits-n-Things building. Next up for demolition is the Edward Jones building.

Royal Oak is headed by Steve Wilkie. The developer is also in the process of building Granby Station across from Midtown Café. Granby Station will include retail shops, residential spaces and an English pub.

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